Blog Post

Dealing with fear

Peter Kupers - 24 maart 2020

Don't let fear lead you, but reclaim your strength so you can arm yourself against the coronavirus. Focus on that what you do control. Too much fear weakens the immune system and makes you more susceptible to external threats such as bacteria and viruses. So it is important to deal with your fear and stay as much as possible in your power.

"If only I wouldn't be afraid," I hear a lot. I have to disappoint people. Fear is a part of life, you can't avoid it. Even the most powerful people have to deal with fear over and over again. The good news is that you can learn to deal with it.

In my work I deal with people's fear every day. Fear of loss and abandonment, fear of death, fear of shortage, fear of speaking, fear of failure. Most of all I have to deal with the deepest fear, the fear of existence.

That goes deeper than the fear of not surviving . The deepest fear is to be unfulfilled. That it doesn't matter whether you are here or not (on this earth, in a relationship...). Fear of meaninglessness, of losing control, of dissolving into nothingness, into the unknown.

Your deepest emptiness is not feeling a connection with yourself and the Source. That is where feelings of inadequacy come from. And especially these feelings feed the fear.

In the past weeks, and certainly in the weeks to come, these fears can be triggered even more in you.

That's why I will tell you more about the essence of fear and about what you can do to take back control of your own fear.


Fear is one of the most powerful emotions, which has a very strong effect on body and mind. It activates that part of your brain that we also know as the lizard brain. This is where our survival instincts are stored. As soon as you are in danger that system jumps into survival mode and starts fighting, fleeing or freezing. 

By the way, there is a very small group of people who literally don't know or feel fear. But that has a lot of disadvantages, sometimes life-threatening. It even has a name, the Urbach-Wiethe disease. So that's not an option.

Fear can give strong reaction signals when we are in emergency situations, for example when there is a fire or when we are attacked or as these days with the coronavirus. However, fear can also be generated when you are confronted with harmless events, such as exams, public speaking, a new job, a date or even a party. It is a natural response to a threat that is either imaginary or real. 

Essential to understand is that fear is always about what can happen 'afterwards'. That means that your fear is always about what doesn't yet exist. Part of it is memory, part of it is imagination. Both are imaginations in a way, because both do not exist right now. You're lost in your imagination, that's the basis of your fear. 

If you were rooted in reality and in full connection with heart and body, there would be less fear. 

Fear can last for a short time and then pass away again, but it can also last much longer and you can get stuck with it. In some cases it can take over your life, negatively affect your ability to eat, sleep, concentrate, travel, enjoy life or even affect leaving home or going to work or school. This can deter you from doing things you want or need to do, and it also affects your health.

So does fear of the coronavirus. This is a so-called unknown danger that can be potentially life-threatening. And the political and social reaction to it is so far-reaching that we have not yet experienced something like that in the last 65 years. 

This directly activates in many people their lizard brain and its survival reflexes. It paralyses a lot of people and many lose the ratio. One ends up in a fighting and escape mode which is exhausting for body and mind. 

Because of the stress, the energy seeps away. And the immune system that is so important for the natural regeneration of all other body organs and systems is suppressed. 

Existential fear of survival has always been a tough challenge for humans. It represents the most intense form of destructive interference at the level of our body. These fears hinder the natural free flow of energies in the human body. It is therefore the cause of most illnesses from which the human body and mind suffer and eventually die. 


We live here on Earth in a dualistic world where opposites define each other. So we only know what light is because we know darkness, so we only know what is good because we know what is bad. 

Behind the scenes, a battle has been going on for centuries between those in power behind the scenes (to be summarized as Deep state) and those who rebel against it. In these times we see the culmination of this struggle. 

Why now? Because of certain cosmic influences the frequency of the Earth and also the fact that the human consciousness is getting higher and higher. Everything that has a negative intention is gradually brought to light. 

That is why the lackeys of the deep state are making more and more desperate attempts to maintain and even increase the level of fear among people. As now with the coronavirus. 

More information: 

Why doesn't the mainstream media report on this? 
The power over that media is concentrated with a number of large companies in the world and they are directly controlled by the Deep State. 

My advice is to inform you well about this. But don't be tempted into negativism and pessimism. This will only feed that unwanted timeline. Also be aware of the positive counterforces in this dualistic theatre and focus on what you can influence. 


1. Focus

One of the first victims of stress and anxiety is the ability to focus. 

From a rational and focused mind, you can be much more effective in the solutions you come up with. Don't think negatively, nor positively, but honestly and realistically. Focus on what you do have control over.  

All scenarios are possible but most scenarios are not likely. For example, will the coronavirus cost you your life? If you are already seriously ill, that may be the case. But if we follow the facts, there's not much chance of you dying from it.

2. Place fear in a broader meaningful framework

Actually going through your fear brings you into an essential connection with yourself. A 'fulfilled' human being knows and feels deep inside that fear is an illusion. This does not mean that this person no longer knows and/or feels fear in his body. 

A tool for this is consciously using your breathing, more about this soon. Another tool is introspection. Looking sincerely at what lies beneath the fear of beliefs. Feel the fear in your body ... where do you feel it... how does it feel... try to communicate with that place... what do you encounter there? That way you can live through the emotion and gradually release it . 

The goal is that the fear is gradually no longer causative to your way of reacting. You no longer react out of fear. And in the moments that this still happens, you acknowledge it in yourself and can therefore distance yourself from it again and make new, more conscious choices. From a kind of neutral consciousness. 

3. Service

What you give to someone else or do for someone else, always has a positive effect on yourself. 
This is the subject of the next blog article at the end of March 2020. 

4. Stress management

Relaxation techniques help you to process the mental and physical feelings of fear. Some people find that relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, qi qong or t'ai chi, help them to deal with their fear. 

I myself have been sharing my knowledge about this in weekly classes for over 25 years. 

An important part of this is connecting with your heart centre. There you are connected to a much deeper layer in yourself and at the same time with something that transcends your mind and ego. 

5. Physical activity

Increase the amount of physical exercise you do. You can also do that indoors. After all, physical activity neutralises feelings of anxiety because it brings you back in touch with your body. In addition, the exercises require some concentration and this can distract your thoughts from your fear. 

Staying chained to your smartphone, tablet, PC screen, TV screen does just the opposite. 

6. Healthy eating

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and try to avoid too much sugar. The resulting drops in your blood sugar level can make you feel anxious. 

Try to avoid drinking too much tea and coffee, as caffeine and theine can increase your anxiety.

People often drink alcohol when they are tensed. This is called 'courage drinking', but the after-effects of alcohol make many people even more anxious. The same with drugs. 

7. Don't watch too much TV

The more dramatic the corona crisis is presented, the higher the ratings. You can inform yourself via the online news channels in a few minutes, you don't have to spend a lot of time on this. 

Don't get dragged into a negative spiral of fear. And remember, what is really going on behind the scenes at the moment, those media don't even tell you that. 

I am at your disposal to encourage and guide you to your deepest essence and from this solid foundation to even higher levels of leadership, service and freedom. 

Lots of love,


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