Personal Leadership


Personal Leadership 

Do you want to take the next growth step in your personal and business life? Do you want to play the game of life bigger? You will receive the necessary insights and tools in this Masterclass.

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Do you want to take the next growth step in your personal and business life? Do you want to play the game of life bigger? In this program you will gain insight into what it is exactly that is holding you back from taking the next step in your life or business.

In addition, you get a clear picture of where you currently have the options that you have not seen before. Take this opportunity to make yourself rise, whatever challenge you face!

Discover how you can develop personal leadership. After all, as you grow, everyone around you grows.

For whom and what do you learn

Voor wie?

  • For those who are ready for the next step in their life and can use extra help with this.
  • For the person who has a clear vision of the results to be achieved, but is not yet completely clear how to achieve this in the shortest possible time.
  • If you feel that you are ready for the next step? Be more successful in what you are good at.
  • A job where you can put all your potential into?
  • If you are someone who wants to get more out of your life and business than you do so far.
  • If you find yourself adjusting your dreams little by little, while you scream that you have to go for your own authenticity ...
If you recognize yourself in one of these points, then this master class is ideal for you.

A change process starts with taking the next step. Admittedly, you can't do that in one day. That is why in addition to the master class I have also set up a one-month program to get you started. Discover how you can bring your life into a higher gear.

Wat leer je

Je wil je leven veranderen en groeien. Goede voornemens volop, maar je staat jezelf in de weg en blijft maar uitstellen. Echte verandering blijft uit. Om uit deze cirkel te komen heb je leiderschap en een concreet plan van aanpak nodig. Zodat je weet wat je wilt, welke richting je uit gaat, en welke stapppen je moet ondernemen om het te realiseren.

In de Masterclass en eventueel de volgende 30 dagen tijd introduceer ik je in de wereld van het ‘leven vanuit kracht en onafhankelijkheid’. Leer hoe je korte metten maakt met zelfsabotage; hoe om te gaan met angst voor verandering; groeikeuzes te maken in plaats van comfortkeuzes; duidelijkheid, helderheid en perspectief te krijgen. Kortom, écht verandering te creëeren.

Het is mijn absolute commitment dat ik aan de slag ga met jou, want jij bent zelf de allerbelangrijkste schakel op weg naar persoonlijk en zakelijk succes. Jouw leven begint en eindigt bij jou. Wie je nu bent, is in staat om de resultaten te creëren die je tot nu toe creëert. Wil je andere resultaten? Dan moet je jezelf opnieuw uitvinden. En dat is exact wat ik met je doe en waar ik meester in ben door ervaring.

Trainer: Peter Kupers

This master class is led by myself, I also supervise the personal coaching sessions. If you want to discover more about me, visit the 'About Peter' page.

Masterclass coaching reminders


De start van dit intensieve begeleidingstraject is een 1 daagse LIVE MASTERCLASS. Je neemt hiermee deel aan een 8 uur durende masterclass waarin ik belangrijke basiskennis met je deel, die je nodig hebt om te komen tot effectieve en duurzame verandering die je in staat stelt om je doel te realiseren. 

Tijdens deze dag leggen we de basis voor de 30 dagen die daarna volgen. Je kan dit seminar ook afzonderlijk volgen.


Persoonlijke coaching

Personal coaching starts the week prior to the master class with a short conversation. From then on you will have a 1-on-1 Coaching Session with me for 4 weeks at a fixed time
These sessions are aimed at you to get you as much value as possible from this program.

In this way you do not follow a master class that you do not do anything with in practice afterwards, but you get everything out of it and make an immediate impact on your life and your possible business.

During this month you will receive an inspirational reminder in your mailbox every day. These reminders teach you to look "differently" at your life and your business, they create a new internal conversation with yourself.

Practical information

Bekijk alvast het webinar.
De eerstvolgende datum wordt spoedig meegedeeld.

Deze wordt spoedig meegedeeld.

Coaching is telefonisch of of via Zoom-meeting

30 days (max. 10 participants)

  • In terms of time: 1 full day on location and 4.5 hours of intensive coaching
  • € 197 if you only want to follow the master class (incl. Lunch and drinks). Reduced price for those who are already in guidance.
  • Early bird price: 130 € (valid until ...)
  • 600 € for the whole program. Early bird price: 500 € (valid until 10 October '17)


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Peter Kupers – 0032/499/18 38 65 (
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