About Peter

From my early childhood I have been passionate about awakening in myself and others the full potential that we have as human beings. This also applies if we work together in the same organization for the same purpose. In the meantime I have helped to transform countless lives on a personal and business level in a sustainable way.

It has been my experience that everyone has the resources they need to change their lives for the better. However, many do not know how to handle this change or how to handle inner saboteurs.

I make the difference by quickly building a relationship of trust. It is from that connection that you start to believe and then experience that the seemingly impossible is possible.

I support you therapeutically when needed and I work in a coaching-oriented way if that is the case or I apply a combination of both. That is a mix that you do not often come across.

My approach is a unique balance between the power of the subconscious and a straightforward pragmatism to achieve concrete results. It can be uncomfortable at times, and at the same time it will be a revelation.

Scroll on and read the questions I am regularly asked!

A selection of my education

1989: Master in Sociology (KU Leuven)
2004-2005: Reincarnation and regression therapy (SRN-Utrecht - CRKBO recognized)
2014: Soulkey Therapy (ISAHt certified)
2014: Hypnotic Inductions (ISAHt certified)
2015: Master Hypnotherapy (ISAHt certified)
2015: Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy (IAPCH certified)
2016: Master Soul Key Therapist (ISAHt and IHF certified)

2015-2018: Straightline Business Coaching (SLBS)
2018: Instructor Soul Key Therapy
2019: Castorian & Overdurfian Advanced Conversational Hypnocoaching
2019: Instructor Advanced Hypnotherapy (ISAHt certified)
2020: Master in Castorian & Overdurfian Advanced Conversational Hypnocoaching (ISAHt gecertificeerd)

Kriya Yoga (2nd level); Jnana Yoga; Qi Qong and Yoga instructor; ...

People need to know
that he is a real expert ...

"Clients that end up in a chair with Peter, they need to know that he is a guide, a therapist that really is looking for answers and performs his best whenever a client is front of him.

He embraces people and watches them and then kind of hits the spot immediately. And that takes guts and courage and it takes also respect for other people. He trusts himself and does this work by nature. He is one of those who go for it, and that I deeply respect."
Martin Castor Peterson, Master Trainer of Hypno Academy International, president of ISAHt

Questions I've been asked

What inspired me to start with Deep Soul Connections?

Very early on I was kind of woken up in this life, with a near-death experience around my fifth year of life. This made me experience life and the world in a very different and deeper way at a very early age. It also aroused an eagerness in me to awaken the dormant abilities and potential within myself and then others. 
A determination to make an impact in this life was already rooted in me. First of all on my own life and secondly on that of my environment and even much wider than that. 

Central to this is the making of connections. Of the conscious mind with the subconscious; of business with spiritual, of this side of life with the 'other' side (via death guidance); of the deep wisdom from India with the knowledge and drive of entrepreneurs in the pragmatic West, etc.  

Growing consciousness and deepening is beautiful. However, it is important to put something of value into the world that is broader than your own life and family. Inspire others with it. It's no coincidence that two thirds of my clients have their own business or aspire to one. 

This insatiable appetite for deepening and self-realization has led me, in addition to classical university ...

... I have also studied with a number of advanced teachers. 

In addition to years of intensive guidance from the Straightline Business School, I have spent many years at the side of world-renowned teachers, such as Sri Satya Sai Baba and Sri Adgadanand Ji Maharaj in India. 

Gradually, through these diverse experiences, I have developed a talent for practically translating the timeless Indian wisdom into people with a Western life in which other priorities are set. 

In this way a large network has formed in India on all levels, from business to spiritual to the musical world. In the meantime this has also led me to act as a go-between between companies in Europe and India. 

Again you can see the combination of 'connecting' here. Life is not an OR story, but a story of ONE.   

What principles should I be guided by?

We live in a time of extraordinary uncertainty. Everything seems to be in transformation and in motion. So many of us just hitchhike for the ride. This is quite a frightening time for people with a victim mentality, but a great time for leaders. Victims recite problems. Leaders present solutions.
For me the following principles are very important: authenticity, leadership, service, connection and self-discipline.  

I find it important to exercise leadership in every arena in which we operate. In order to live life in an optimal way, it is important to show leadership in relation to your own health, to have leadership over our finances and to include leadership in our society. 

And the basis of all of this is above all self leadership. If you cannot lead yourself, you will never be able to lead others around you. Finding the strength within ourselves is the best long-term contribution we can make to our fellow human beings.
In my opinion, this requires that we allow ourselves to be challenged over and over again, and that we do not fall into a fake comfort zone that is only created by the ego for false certainties. Many appeal to their inner peace and balance, but they are often the first to get seriously out of balance when challenged by an exciting situation.  

Another important principle is the fact that most of our lives are determined by our subconscious. My therapeutic work therefore focuses on influencing the subconscious patterns of the client, which often include his values and frames of reference. 

What do I like most about my job? 

I find it wonderful and special to practice this profession. I do not experience my 'work' as 'work', but as a fulfillment of life in which I can put all the principles mentioned above into practice. 
Also the knowledge that helping one person forward leads to a domino effect anyway. And certainly in working with managers and their teams. 

As they change, a lot of things change for the better for their employees and their families, and so the concentric circles continue to grow.   
In my opinion, the strength of my tailor-made approach lies in the fact that a sustainable result can only be achieved if you work on a mental, emotional, physical and energetic level.  

And that goes for the personal as well as the professional level. 

How long have I been doing this job?

At an early stage, I started to guide people in their growth process. First in my spare time, then in my secondary job and then in my main job. 
My professional career started in the study department of the Limburg Reconversion. After an adventurous break to explore the wide world, I then put the fire on many powerful health care lobby groups at Euroconsumers, the world's largest consumer organisation. 

And with a result that so many people are now reaping the benefits of. 

Around 2009 I founded my company Deep Soul Connections. I have already been able to assist countless people in their transformation process.

What's the reason behind the location of your case?

In the most northeastern point of Belgium, right on the border with the Netherlands. I have lived in Leuven for more than 20 years. When I settled here in 2009, I was asked why I settled in such a remote place. Two reasons: 
1. At this place there is a lot of water, with the gravel lakes that are connected to the Meuse. Water and rivers symbolize for me service, an incredible power and connection. 

2. I am someone who loves to cross borders and the exchange that takes place at borders. They are intersections where cultures mix. 

I am the son of a father who originally had the Dutch nationality and a Belgian mother. 

I grew up with both cultures, and later in my life also with the vedic culture in India. 

As a result, over the years my clientele has been divided between the Netherlands and Belgium by almost 48%/48% and the rest over India. 

What are the future plans of my practice?

In addition to the one-on-one sessions that remain central, my activities will increasingly be aimed at a larger audience. Such as training courses, training series and lectures, but also by publishing some books. 
From 2019, in collaboration with Hypno Academy International, I will train therapists and coaches in Hypnotherapy and Soulkey Therapy. The participants receive an internationally recognized certificate (ISAHt). I teach these courses in the Netherlands, Belgium, but increasingly also in India.

Over the years I have developed a number of unique techniques myself. The request to also train these techniques for therapists and coaches is getting louder and louder. 

At the moment there is a waiting list when people want to make an appointment with me. Sooner or later this will lead to me working together with several coaches and therapists, whom I will of course train myself, in one organisation.    
Furthermore, my skills are increasingly being asked in companies and organizations to 'dynamize' teams. 

Compassion in action

Share Kids Home (India)


Compassion in action

Every child deserves every opportunity. The child of today is the leader of tomorrow. Peter is very passionate about helping children in need to help them live happier and healthier lives. He wants to make a huge difference in the lives of disadvantaged children. Guess what? He can use your help for this.

Sharekidshome is a charity registered in Eluru, India. This small-scale orphanage currently hosts18 children, mainly girls. It is a deliberate policy that the operating means do not depend on government money but on private donations. 

“ SHARE-kidshome is maintained by Thambi Mulupuri under the charitable society called Self Help and Rural Educational Society. Share society is Non- profitable organization. In 1991 Mr Mulupuri founded the share society, registration number is 484/1991.”

Do you want to make a bigger impact on your life? Imagine how you will feel, knowing that you have helped one child to lead a better life and to shape his or her dream. As Peter says: "The only happiness that is permanent is the happiness that it gives."

The donations to Sharekidhome are in some countries tax deductible. After the donation, Thambi Mulupuri will send you an e-mail with a copy of the document in order to prove the donation.

Detailed information about the orphanage and specific needs is always available by me (+ 32 / 499.18.38.65). I personally guarantee the honesty with which the donation is handled.

How to donate? 

Via PayPal
Sending via Paypal is preferred because it involves the least of costs for the orphanage. The mail address where you can send the donation to, is thambimulupuri@gmail.com
Transfer via Indian bank
Self help and Rural educational Society 
Union Bank Of India 
Eluru, Andhra Pradesh - India 
IFSC code: UBINO532941
Indian A/C No: 329402010101379

You can also transfer the amount of the donation to my bank account (IBAN: BE88 0689 0167 4641 - BIC: GKCCBEB - notice: 'donation orphanage India'
I will send it within 24 hours via PayPal to Thambi Mulupuri and send you the proof of the transaction.  

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