Individual coaching and guidance of teams and organisations.
The line between coaching and counselling is often thin. Just like coaching, counseling aims to bring you as a client to greater freedom in the most effective and efficient way and to restore contact with the sources of power within yourself. More than with coaching, however, counselling focuses on more serious psychological problems, such as trauma, anxiety or addiction behavior. The traumatic origin of problems can be approached in depth.
"During the first session we will have an analysis interview, in which we will discuss your wishes and goals. At the same time, you already get a totally different view on what is going on."
A powerful and fulfilling life begins with taking responsibility for your own life and creating personal leadership from your own authenticity. It is my experience that everyone has the means to change their lives for the better. Many, however, do not know how to get rid of the things they no longer want and how to achieve what is important to them.
I make a difference by quickly building a bond of trust. From that connection you gradually start believing in yourself and then experience that the seemingly impossible is possible. You will be supported therapeutically when necessary and coaching-oriented when it comes to that or a combination of both. This is a mix of skills that you do not encounter very often.
Most coaches and therapists follow a script or a program. They polish, spin and improve your life or your business a little. I help transform lives. I don't have a fixed methodology because you are my 'material'. My plan of approach also stems from your speech.
Way of Working for Individual Work
Guidance process
I usually work in the form of counseling programs of 10 hours each.
During the first session we have an analysis conversation, in which we discuss your wishes and goals. Then I propose a guidance plan.
The 1-on-1 sessions usually last between 2.5 and 3 hours.
We determine the time between sessions in mutual consultation. Depending on the objective, this is 1 to 4 weeks.
Duration of a counselling process
The duration naturally depends on the nature of the objective.
During the first sessions I will give you an estimate of the duration of the guidance process.
I guide most clients between 3 months and 2 years.
Red phone
We work together intensively until your goal is achieved. For this it is important that you stay sharp and focused.
This means that you can also call on me by telephone or e-mail between sessions if necessary.
I offer both therapeutic and coaching programs and combine these when this is applicable.
The strength of my approach lies in the effective combination of methods that I guarantee that it is fully tailored to you as a person and to your question. My guidance is a unique balance between working with the power of the subconscious and a straightline pragmatism to achieve concrete results. I work with Hypnotherapy, Regression therapy, Soulkey Therapy, HNLP, various coaching techniques, among other things.
The trauma release is partly based on the theoretical frameworks of Peter Levine and Stephen Porges "Polyvagal Theory".
If necessary, I give you support assignments that you can use between sessions. These are guided meditations (mp3), physical exercises (including breathing techniques, exercises to ground you better, etc.), nutritional advice, reading extra info (own articles, (e-) books), support via PSiO glasses, ...
As a client you also get access to the client zone
on this website. There you have constant access to the above training material.
Online sessions
During a counselling process, sessions in the private practice can be combined with conversations via Zoom or by telephone. If the distance to the private practice in Belgiumis too far for you, a counselling process can take place entirely online. This happens anyway with clients from e.g. India.
For online sessions, the video call starts exactly on time. Make sure that you have both a high-quality webcamera and microphone and that you stay in a quiet place where there is good visual contact. Also make sure you have a good WiFi connection. If the signal is lost, I will call you back as soon as possible.
Rates are payable before the start of the first session: in cash or by transfer to the account number BE88 0689 0167 4641- BIC: GKCCBEB
A percentage of your financial contribution is transferred to an orphanage in India
to which I am affiliated.
Currently I work with clients from Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and India.
Ethical standards
I follow the guidelines of the following organisation and try to maintain an even higher level for your safety and show the greatest possible level of professionalitity:
- International Society of Advanced Hypnotherapy
This means that I abide by their codes of ethics and professional practice for my work as a coach/counsellor.