Can’t anyone say their training is the best?
Yes, but we have worked with the best of the best in the business, including Michael Newton, Dick Sutphen and more. We have had many students who are already working as PLR therapists and thought they knew it all – but after training they have praised SoulKey as a freeing, unlimited technique that allows them to provide better results for their client. We’re proud of that. Take a look at some of the many testimonials we have on video (also on
Does certification makes a difference?
Yes, quite a bit. Some schools in our business don’t place much emphasis on certification or just create their own certification. We are proud to represent 7 international organizations as trainers and as a school.
That means we have backup and support for what we teach, and our content is approved to meet the ethical standards of these organizations. There are multiple benefits including insurance, the maintaining of high standards and multiple certifications. We think it is a must for ensuring a high level of education and the standards of teachers.
Can I see clients after this training?
Yes, you can offer sessions that take advantage of the powerful tools you learn with us.
Can I teach others the things I’ve learned?
No, you cannot. That’s reserved for approved and certified instructors only.
Is assistance available after I complete the training?
Yes, there is. In the form of periodic online meetings and in the fact that you always can contact Peter with all your questions. There is also an online backup of all documents and videos of the lessons (English + Dutch). You can also request a supervision session from Peter with several students.
Will I learn “real” hypnosis too?
Of course. And even more than that, we guarantee it.
Do I need to complete the online training you offer before the LIVE training?
Yes, our pre-course content is very important for our live classes, and completing it is essential to being able to follow along in class. And by completing it, you will learn faster too.
Are there exercises used as part of your teaching method?
Yes, we practice a technique called 'accelerated learning' to make sure you “get it” both consciously and unconsciously. We do a lot of live demos, and there will be a lot of hands-on exercises. Our teaching method involves “knowing by doing”, not just theory.
Do I get a title with my certification?
Yes, as a Certified SoulKey Therapist, CSKt.
What’s the specific day-by-day content of the training?
In the morning you will learn the theoretical background and in the afternoon you will practice the learned techniques.
Day 1
• Introduction to the potential of Soulkey
• Explanation of the Soulkey-induction
• Guided group meditation
• Practicing the induction in groups of 3 (therapist, client and observer)
• Q & A
Day 2
• Q & A
• Explanation and experience of mind bending language
• Explanation tools of Fireplace room
• Practicing tools of Fireplace Room in groups of 3
• Q & A
Day 3
• Q & A
• Explanation about practical implementation - ethics, practical design, marketing
• Explanation Tools of Past Life Regression (PLR)
• Practicing PLR in groups of 3
• Q & A
Day 4
• Q & A
• Powertalk Martin Peterson (online)
• Explanation Tools Life Between Lifes (LBL)
• Complete session in groups of 3
• Q & A
• Practical completion and celebration