1. Realization of the travel agreement
2. The payment
3. The travel sum
4. Travel documents and travel documents
5. Change or cancellation by the participant
6. Change or cancellation by Deep Soul Connections
7. Liability of Deep Soul Connections
8. 24-hour emergency service
9. Quality assurance
Article 3.1: Conclusion of the travel agreement
Does this trip meet your wishes? Then register via our website, by email, by telephone or by post. You will receive a confirmation email from us within 3 working days asking you to complete the booking form, in which we ask you to enter relevant personal details. With the signing of the booking form, the booking is definitive and binding (if sufficient participants - see point 3.3).
After booking, the trip can only be canceled in accordance with the cancellation conditions stated in Article 3.5. After receiving the booking form, an order form/invoice will be sent in two copies, one of which you will send back to us within two weeks (see further art. 3.2) . To avoid misunderstandings, read the detailed travel description and our booking and cancellation conditions carefully in advance.
Only for the India retreat: if you only book, you pay € 15 in booking costs. If you book with two people, you pay € 25 per booking and for three or more people the booking costs are € 30 per booking.
As soon as the minimum number of participants of six has been achieved, we guarantee that the trip will take place. If this minimum number is not achieved, we will inform you no later than 21 days before departure. In that case, the monies already paid will be fully reimbursed.
The participant is obliged to disclose all personal, health and medical data relevant to the execution of the trip to Deep Soul Connections when booking. Physical and / or psychological complaints that arise after booking the trip must be passed on to Deep Soul Connections immediately. Deep Soul Connections treats this information confidentially (see privacy statement). Information about passport and travel insurance must be sent (by email or by post) to Deep Soul Connections no later than 4 weeks before the date of departure. Failure, incomplete or incorrect provision of this data may result in exclusion from (further) participation. All possible costs arising from this will then be borne by the participant.
Deep Soul Connections reserves the right to exclude participants from whom, in her opinion, the mental or physical condition jeopardizes the success of the trip.
Article 3.2: The payment
1. Only applicable to the India retreat:
Payment of the booking takes place in 3 instalments:
1st advance:
€ 300, - pp. This advance must be credited within 14 days after signing and sending the order form / invoice to account number IBAN BE88 0689 0167 4641 (BIC: GKCCBEBB) in the name of Deep Soul Connections in Kinrooi-Belgium, stating reference number, last name, first name and country.
For the second advance an invoice will be sent as soon as the minimum required number of registrations has been reached (i.e. 6) and the journey is definitely continuing. At that time the flight ticket (s) are booked and paid: approximately € 650 per person. This is only in case you book including the international flight. This deposit must then be transferred immediately to account number IBAN BE88 0689 0167 in the name of Deep Soul Connections in Kinrooi, stating reference number, last name, first name and country.
The remaining travel sum (North India: € 1595 in the case of early booking discount and - € 1695 in the case of full price) must be credited to the same account of Deep Soul Connections with the same reference number no later than 30 days before the date of departure.
Only applicable to the Portugal retreat:
Payment of the booking takes place in 2 instalments: 1st advance: € 250, - pp. This advance must be credited to account number IBAN BE88 0689 0167 4641 (BIC: GKCCBEBB) in the name of Deep within 14 days after signing and sending Soul Connections in Kinrooi, Belgium with reference number, last name, first name and country.
For the second advance an invoice will be sent as soon as the minimum required number of registrations has been reached (ie 6) and the journey is definitely continuing. This deposit must then be transferred immediately to account number IBAN BE88 0689 0167 in the name of Deep Soul Connections in Kinrooi, stating reference number, last name, first name and country.
The remaining travel sum (€ 650, in case of early booking discount and - € 700, - in case of full price) must be credited to the same account of Deep Soul Connections with the same reference number no later than 30 days before the date of departure.
2. Only for the India retreat:
At least seven days before departure you will receive the definitive flight details, the flight ticket (almost all companies work with e-tickets), the list of participants and, if applicable, the most up-to-date travel information.
If the participant books a trip within 4 weeks of the date of departure, the full amount of the invoice must be paid immediately.
In the event of late payment, the participant will be in default. After this has been indicated in writing by Deep Soul Connections, the participant still has the option to pay the amount due within 7 days. If payment is still not made, the travel agreement will be deemed to have been canceled from the day of default. Deep Soul Connections has the right to charge the cancellation costs due. See cancellation conditions article 5.
Article 3.3: The travel sum
2. The amount of the published travel sum is based on hotel and transport prices, charges,fuel surcharges, taxes and exchange rates as known at the time of publication on the website. On the website and in the extensive travel route it is specified what is and what is not included in thetravel sum.
3. Deep Soul Connections reserves the right to, with regard to those already entered intotravel contract, up to 20 days before the day of departure, to increase the travel sum due toprice increases in local hotel or transport prices, levies, taxes and exchange rates.Deep Soul Connections will indicate how the increase has been calculated. Although the chance is small, travel routes may also be subject to change during the year due to force majeure. Atmajor changes after booking you will always be personally informed. So the 10% increaseexceeds the total price, the participant can cancel the contract without compensation. In this case, theparticipant is entitled to an immediate refund of all the amounts he has paid to the organizer.
4. Single room supplement: if you are traveling alone, you do not have to pay a single room supplement. Wethen assume that you share a room (with twin beds) with a co-participant of the samesex.
If you prefer to have your own room, you can book an extra single room.
If you are traveling with two people, you share a room together. If you are traveling with three, we will do itutmost to accommodate you in one twin room with an extra bed. When making thebooking you can specify what room layout you want.
Article 3.4: Travel documents / travel documents
The participant is responsible for being in possession of a valid ticket at departure and during the trip(international) passport, required visa in case of the India retreat (click here for information about how to arrange the visa) and proof of vaccinations and vaccinations (if officially required). In the case of the Indian retreat The participant is personally responsible for obtaining medical information from a vaccination agency, Tropical Institute / Institute of Tropical Medicine or general practitioner. (For more information click here.) And also to check in good time before departure whether previously obtained information has not changed in the meantime. The participant must then ensure that the necessary vaccinations and profilaxes have been obtained on time prior to the trip.
The participant is obliged to take out valid travel and accident insurance and to provide proof of thisto wear. The obligation of Deep Soul Connections to provide assistance and assistance to a distressed participantgranting is severely impeded if it is not possible to fall back on the help of atravel insurance included SOS emergency center. The participant is therefore required to have full coverage providing travel insurance. If it appears that a participant has no travel insuranceconcluded, Deep Soul Connections excludes this person from participating in the trip. At least coveredmust be: medical costs, accidents and extraordinary costs (in particular rescue costs, repatriation costs). Whether a participant wants to insure the luggage is at their own discretion.
The participant will receive his / her travel documents / travel documents at least 14 days before the date of departure.
If travel documents have not been received by the participant in time, the participant must arrive no later than 10 days before contact Deep Soul Connections on departure.
Deep Soul Connections is not liable in the event that the participant cannot participate in the trip, or parts thereofparticipate due to shortcomings in his travel documents. The resulting damage, both for theparticipant as for Deep Soul Connections, is for the account of the participant.
Deep Soul Connections is not liable for loss, damage or loss of luggage,travel documents and travel documents.
Article 3.5: Change or termination by the participant
The participant can request to change the travel agreement up to 2 months before departure. Deep Soul Connections will try to make this change. For each request for change, € 40 perbooking will be charged regardless of whether the change is made. If the change is effectedthis amount is increased by all costs arising from the change.Pay attention! When changing airline tickets, the terms and conditions of the relevant airline apply (only applicable for the India retreat).
Cancellation of the travel agreement by the participant must be done in writing or by e-mail. The date of arrival e-mail or postmark counts as cancellation date.
If the participant cancels the contract due to a circumstance attributable to him, he will reimburse thedamage that Deep Soul Connections suffers as a result of the cancellation. The compensation can be fixedare determined in the special conditions and will not exceed the price of the travel sum once.The compensation for severance by the participant was as follows by Deep Soul Connectionsfixed amount:
Up to 56 days before departure: 20% of the travel sum,
b. 56th to 28th day before departure: 50% of the travel sum
28th to 14th day before departure: 75% of the travel sum
Within 14 days before departure: 100% of the travel sum
For cancellation of the flight ticket (s) the cancellation conditions of the relevant applyairline company (s). In many cases the cancellation costs are 100% (only applicable for the India retreat).
Article 3.6: Change or cancellation by Deep Soul Connections
The law speaks of 'expectations that the participant could reasonably have under the agreement to have'.
Whoever chooses countries with an adventurous character, also opts for certain risks in a certain sense. Byother customs, habits and a different mentality of people in distant countries things sometimes goother than what the participant expects. Bad weather conditions or conditions of roads can be before orduring the journey lead to adjustment of the journey. This can be, for example: adjustment in the travel route, different type of transportation or hotel. The adaptation of the trip and reasons for it will be updated as soon as possible participant. Deep Soul Connections tries to achieve the intention of the journey as much as possible and to minimize the adverse consequences for the participant. The extra costs incurred are for the account of the participant.
In the event of force majeure such as: terror and bomb attacks, political unrest, natural disasters, extremeweather conditions, strikes or non-compliance with agreements by airlinesDeep Soul Connections has the right to cancel or change the travel agreement (as in point 3.1 called). The costs incurred during the journey are at the expense of the participant.
The participant is not entitled to compensation from Deep Soul Connections for the aforementioned reasons.
The damage as a result of non-compliance with agreements by the airline will be chargedlaid to that airline.
Deep Soul Connections is not a member of the Travel Guarantee Fund in Belgium. Deep Soul Connections is on thelevel of travel advice issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And combines this withown information from the country, from agencies and from people who live locally. Sowe can generally paint a clear picture about what is possible and what is not. With a negative travel advice Deep Soul Connections consults with the participant and it is up to the participant himself to choose. At the occurrence of a negative travel advice during the journey applies point 2 of this article.
Article 3.7: Liability of Deep Soul Connections
Deep Soul Connections is not liable for damage or costs incurred by the participantare the result of:
a. shortcomings in the implementation of the travel agreement based on circumstances that can be attributed to count the participant, including the participant's health condition;
b. loss or theft of the participant's possessions in / from rented means of transport, hotel rooms etc .;
c. circumstances that are not due to Deep Soul Connections or under the law or in thesocietal standards cannot reasonably be assumed by Deep Soul Connectionsimputed.
In the event that the travel company is rightly held liable for suffered by the participant damage for loss of travel pleasure, or for damage suffered by the participant in the exercise of his profession orcompany, the reimbursement never exceeds the travel sum once.
The possible compensation to be claimed for all forms of physical injury, other than by the travel insurance that the participant has covered is a maximum of once the travel sum.
The liability of Deep Soul Connections is excluded for all cases where the mandatory travel,offer health insurance and possibly cancellation insurance coverage.
Article 3.8: 24-hour emergency service
In the event of an emergency, those at home can call a Deep Soul Connections employee during office hours. Outside our opening times you can only call the Deep Soul Connections emergency number (+32 497.81.54.18) in case of an emergency that you can find here. Please note that due to the adventurous nature of some of the retreats it is not always possible to contact the group within 24 hours.
Article 3.9: Quality assurance
We strive to keep the quality of our retreats as high as possible. That is why we ask everyone to complete a survey form after the retreat. We use the information that you provide us with this to improve our retreats and service. If you have a complaint during the retreat, you must report this to us as soon as possible. If your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved during the retreat, submit your complaint after your return. Do this in writing or by e-mail (info@deepsoulconnections.com) within one month after returning home.